Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Final Project Treatment and Storyboard


Concept: A bored student’s notebook doodles come to life, reflecting his daydreams of the sports he could be playing. 60 SECOND ROTOSCOPE ANIMATION

:00 sec. Open with… MS. A student leans against his hand taking notes while sounds of the teachers mumbling lecture and chalkboards fill the background. This rotoscoping will be filled with color and detail.

:08 sec. Cut to… CU. Reveal the student’s notes. The student repeatedly retraces a circle surrounded by normal class notes. His hand and pen are rotoscoped with the same color and detail as previous shot. Paper is real, but notes are rotoscoped in one color. Sound of class room continues.

:12 sec. Same shot of notes, student’s hand moves off screen. A rotoscoped soccer player casually walks up to circle and begins to juggle the ball. The soccer player is shot in LS. Music begins as soon as the soccer player pops the ball up to begin juggling. Throughout the playful juggling, the player performs other ball handling tricks and occasionally bounces the ball off of notes on the sheet, as if they were a wall. Sounds of pens, pencils, erasers, and paper crumpling accompany the music.

:25 sec. Soccer player, now on screen right, kicks the ball in mid-juggle off screen right.

:27 sec. Cut to… LS. (On notes) A basketball player stands on screen left. The ball flies from off screen right into his hands. He begins to simply dribble, then advances into more skilled ball handling movements. He rolls under “notes” while continuing to dribble the ball. He bounces the ball off “notes” and continues to dribble. This is an “AND 1” spectacle.

:37 sec. Cut to… LS. The basketball player stands in far screen left and takes of in sprint towards the screen right. He leaps over “notes” to dunk the ball/circle into a doodled hoop.

:42 sec. Cut to… ECU. The ball fills most of frame as it falls from the top of the frame, bounces, and comes to rest in middle of frame. Music stops… silence.

:46 sec. Zoom out… to golfer lined up to swing at ball. The golfer moves the club in front of ball, rears back and hits ball into distance. Ball disappears. Music begins again with sound of golf swing.

:55 sec. Cut to… original shot of student taking notes. Rotoscoping is colorful and detailed. Music continues. Student continues to stare down at notes. Student smiles.

:58 sec. Cut to… black screen. School bell rings.